My Happy List

  1. First, last and everywhere in-between, my husband

Who loves me no matter my size, my hair style, my interests.

  1. My grown children who bring me intense pride,

Who are all kind, gentle, loving people.

  1. Grandchildren, all seven of them, who are talented, intelligent

Loving beings who bring tears to my eyes when I have to say goodbye.

  1. Best friends who read what I write, who offer constructive criticism,

Who support my efforts and who listen to my concerns and interests

and trust me with their stories and concerns and interests

and who love me, always and forever.

  1. Music of many types and being able to sing along,

especially in the church choir where the words mean so much!

  1. Tempting, desirable chocolate as long as it is

without peanut butter and peanuts!

  1. Pizza: Oh! How I love pizza. I could eat it for breakfast,

lunch and dinner and never get tired of it.

  1. Traveling: to visit family, first and foremost, but also to

places I’ve never been to before and always dreamt of seeing.

  1. My cat and my birds, even though the cat is only cuddly when

he so desires and the birds don’t like to be touched, but I love to hear them

chatter and sing and watch them flit about when out of their cages.

  1. All the freedoms that we have as Americans. To be free to travel,

to attend meetings, to post my writing on the Internet, to worship as I please

and allow others to do the same, to be free to drive wherever I want to go,

to go to the theater and see movies and have open access to television that is not politically controlled.

I suppose if I had more time I could create an endless list, but these are the top ten things that make me happy. I apologize if I left you out!



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